Prof. S.Kalaivani

Assistant Professor
Business & Labour Laws
Prof. S.Kalaivani BBA, MBA, M Phil, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Prof. S. Kalaivani has completed her M.Phil. in Management, specializing in stress management, and her MBA in HR and Marketing Specialization from Periyar University and pursuing a Ph.D. She has more than 14 years of teaching and industry experience and is well-known for her teaching methodology, which involves visualizing theories and concepts for a better learning process. Additionally, she has presented numerous research papers in International Journals and both National and International Conferences, and she has participated in workshops and FDPs organized by esteemed institutions. Mrs. Kalaivani has also been actively involved in club activities at MMA and served as the Coordinator of the Students’ Welfare Club. Her main interest lies in developing students’ competencies to prepare them for the competitive world. Her areas of interest include Organizational Climate, Emotional Intelligence, and Industrial Law. She has also served as a resource person for Management Development Programs.
- “Environmental Initiatives by College Students in Coimbatore” A Research Article Published in Vichaara, An International Journal of Management, Volume 10 Issue 2nd September 2024, ISSN:23474726(online)
- “Moonlighting Intention and Organisational Commitment among Marketing Professionals” A Research Article Published in Vichaara, An International Journal of Management, Volume 9 Issue 1st December 2023, ISSN:23474726(online).
- “Evaluation of Health care services at Private Hospitals during Pandemic – A SERVPERF Approach” A Research Article Published in Vichaara, An International Journal of Management, Volume 7 Issue 1st December 2021, ISSN: 23474726(online).
- Presented and Published an Article on “Importance of Employee Motivation in Tourism Industry” at International Conference organized by Lead Business School on December 17th
- Presented a paper on “An Empirical Study on Stress Management among the Academicians” in NCMDE’19 @ Acharya Bangalore B-School on 14 June 2019.
- Presented a paper in the International Research Conference on “Global Issues, Innovations and Future Challenges in Business, Economics, IT and Management” held on September 8, 2018, at KG College of Arts and Science –Coimbatore. Title of the paper is “Sustainable Development in Organizations through Leadership”.
- Presented a Paper titled “A Study on Stress Management of Women Teachers towards Educational Institutions” in the International Conference on “Recent trends in commerce and business Management” held on 26th July 2013 at AVS College of arts and science-Salem.
- Participated a Workshop on Challenges in Research held on March 17th, 2013 at AVS Engineering College Salem.
- Presented a paper in the National Conference on “Challenges in Entrepreneurship” held on February 18, 2011 at SSM College of Engineering – Komarapalayam. Title of the paper is “Problems Faced Women Entrepreneurs in Salem”.
- Presented a paper Titled “Blooming Retail Industry in India” in the one day State level Seminar on “Emerging trends in Marketing” on 21st February 2011 at Sri Kandhan College of Arts and Science, Erode.
- Presented a Paper Titled “Impact of Globalization on HRM” in the International Conference on “Global Business Environment and its Impact on Management Education” on 10th& 11th February 2011 at Periyar University, Salem.
- Participated in the Training Program on “NAAC-New Reforms – 2024, An Introduction to Binary Accreditation Framework, New Education Policy – 2020” Organized by Research Foundation of India & RFI-CARE from 30th & 31st December 2024.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program “Research Methodology Using AI Tools” organized by M.A.M. B-School, Tiruchirapalli from 14th October to 19th October 2024.
- Participated in Seven Days International Level Virtual FDP on “The Power of Positivity Approach In Teaching & Learning System of Cultural Transformation” Organised by the Department of Commerce with PAA&F of Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 19th September to 26th September 2023.
- Participated in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Contemporary Trends of Research Perspective & Advance Pedagogy” organized by Faculty of Management Studies, The ICFAI University, Raipur from 10th July to 15th July 2023.
- Participated in virtual Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Education” organized by IQAC & Department of Mechanical Engineering, PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, (7days) from 1st February to 9th February 2023.
- Participated in “One Day National Level FDP on Systematic Review of Literature by using Publish and Perish and VOS viewer” organized by GOMSGURU Academy, on 8th May 2022.
- Participated in ‘Ten Days Virtual Faculty Development Program on Advanced Research Methodology” organized by Department of Commerce of SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 9th May to 20th May 2022.
- Participated in five day online Faculty Development Program on “Understanding NAAC Accreditation “organized by Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute On 7th to 11th March 2022.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on the theme “Innovation and New Paradigms in Education” organized by Amity Global Business School, Bangalore on 4th March 2022.
- Participated in Guest Lecture on “How to Use and Access – OPEN ACCESS E-Resources”, organized by Department of Library in Collaboration with Arya P.G College, Panipat (Haryana) on 9th Feb 2022.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology” organized by Department of Business Administration (SF)-ANJA College during 22nd – 24th December 2021.
- Participated in One-week Faculty Development Program on “Data Analytics tools for Business Research (R Tools and AMOS)” organized by Vivekananda Institute of Management Studies during 17th to 23rd December 2021.
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Programme Webminar series on “Insights into Quality Research and innovation” organized by Research & Development Cell and Institution’s Innovation Council of Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women from 13th May to 20th May 2020.
- Completed International Research Internship from 15th June 2020 to 15th July 2020 organized by Manuscriptpedia, Kanyakumari.
- Participated in a National level webminar on “Teaching – An Amalgam of Negotiation, Performance and Struggle for Acceptance” on 16th June 2020 organized by CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University)
- Organized a Five Days Faculty Development Program on “AI-Assisted Teaching & Personal Branding” from 19th November to 23rd November 2024.
- Providing Consultancy to Idhayam – G a concern of Idhayam Group for Designing and Delivering the promotional Strategies for their Products and Services during the year 2023.
- Provided Soft Skills Training on Building Positive Attitude, Relationship Building and Corporate Communication Skills, and Group Discussion and Interview Skills to the Kamadhenu College of Arts and Science students and KG College of Arts and Science during the year 2023.
- Imparted training on “Work Ethics” in the Skill Development Program organized by The Anna University, Regional Campus, Coimbatore, in collaboration with RUSA and MHRD during December 2023.