Prof. M.Usha
Assistant Professor
Labour Relations & HRD
Prof. M.Usha MBA, Ph.D. (Pursuing) Assistant Professor
Prof. Usha M. is a dynamic and enthusiastic researcher who began her career at Kanan Devan Hills Plantation Private Limited in Munnar, Kerala, before transitioning into the field of teaching. She completed her MBA at Sakthi Institute of Information and Management Studies in Pollachi, which is affiliated with Anna University, and she is also an Anna University rank holder. She has also secured special award for securing centum in Industrial relations and labor legislation in Anna University MBA Examinations. Her primary areas of interest include labor relations and human resource management.
She is pursuing Ph.D in Human Resource Management at PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore. She has communicated several articles in the human resource domain to reputed journals like Springer, Sage and Brill academic publishers and waiting for the review. The core area of her research is related to cultural intelligence and employee engagement with special relevance to migrant employees of India and tea plantations.
She is well-versed in statistical tools like SPSS, PSPP and PLS software like Warp PLS and other research tools like transana, JMP, VoS Viewer etc. She is an active researcher of bibliometric analysis. She has also attended several research FDPs and workshops. She is a reviewer for Springer journals named“Humanities and Social Sciences Communications” and Current Psychology.
- “Covid-19 Pandemic and Strategies for the Effective Inclusion of Migrant Employees- A Meta Analysis” A Research Article Published in Vichaara, An International Journal of Management, Volume 10 Issue 2nd September 2024, ISSN:23474726(online)
- Happy Workers, Healthy Business: The Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management and Workplace Happiness on Employee Engagement of Women Employees in Tea Plantations(Under Review).
- Cultural Intelligence and Task Performance: A Psychological Perspective from India’s Tea Plantation Workforce-Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicologica(Under Review).
- “A bibliometric Analysis of employee engagement research trends: A decade review (2002-2023)” under review in Humanities and Social science communication, Springer.
- A Study of internal migrant employees working in Indian tea plantation sector. Published in International Conference held at PPG Business School-April-2024. ISBN No-978-93-92045-29-5.
- Measuring Cultural Intelligence and Employee engagement of internal migrants in tea plantations- Periodico di mineralogia, Vol 91, no 3, pp.144-166, published on July 2022.
FDPs Attended
- Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on Incorporating sustainable development goals in Bringing out Industry Ready Professionals at DR. SNS RAJALSKHMI COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE from 09/12/2024 to 14/12/2024.
- “Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS, five day online faculty development programme organized by The ICFAI University, Himachal Pradesh.
- “Qualitative Research using ATLAS.ti organized by Indus Business Academy, Bangalore.
- Leaders in the making – the crucibles of change makers in HR” organized by PSG Institute of Management and AIMA.
- “Case Study Development” organized by PSG Institute of Management.
- “Accelerate your research using Elsevier’s Scopus” international seminar by Elsevier
- Labor Law Conclave “India’s New Labor Codes: An understanding towards its implementation” by Alliance University.
- “SEM analysis using SPSS AMOS” FDP organized by DJ Academy of Managerial Excellence.
- “From Data to insights: building an end to end analytic workflow within your organization by JMP Live Webinar.
- “Basics of Bibliometrics Workshop “conducted by Clarivate.
- Qualitative Research Methods, University of Amsterdam, Grade Achieved:89.50 (https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/ certificate/5DQP4ZABJS4Y)
- Corporate Social Responsibility- NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme (Funded by the Ministry of HRD, Governor of India)
Conference and Research Conclave
- Attended International Conference on Contemporary Research in Management (ICCRM) and presented a paper titled” Social Inclusion strategies of internal migrant workers in Indian Tea Plantation sector” organized and conducted by PSG Institute of Management.
- Presented a paper titled “Building cultural intelligence of migrant workers- an entrepreneur’s obligation”.
- Attended “Research Conclave organized by CIT, Coimbatore and presented a paper titled “Social Inclusion and cultural intelligence of migrant workers”.